Thursday, 21 May 2015


I know I lack a retentive memory
But that explosion tattooed a name on my mind
And bought me a long term memory
That could only retain the storm of blood in Baga
 The one that disseminated grief and fear For,
ruthlessness got engaged with violence and exhumed  tears.

I had tried to count the birds
 that remain in the sky
But I could only find the aura of sorrow
Counting my confusion and lust for justice
But justice has lost its sight Justice is dying alive
 Strangling the neck of hope.

The storm of blood in Baga
Plucked my eyeballs out of socket
And disconnected my artery from the flow of joy
I saw tragedies unexplained, Lost the expensive gain
 The future of young ones, sucked out of reality
And was replaced with vicious end.

The bomb that tore Baga was no accident
 It was a nurtured cruelty on the mind of ruthless men
Men, who housed their conscience in the depth of destruction.
Ripped fleshes littered the earth in Baga
Like refuse in the dump No match for each eye,
nose and hand.

 No head, fits a neck Identification
is far from the brain Patching each body
Is like trying to hug the cloud I see Baga,
I see dreams unborn I see Baga, I see life in tears
Humanity has lost its dignity Justice has given up
the throne for injustice Terrorists are recklessly
distributing tragedies Peace could not find
a space to sit Memories no longer live in the past
As life, gradually looses its life.

Baga in Borno state, was a location of the Nigerian Army base that was the headquarter of the Multinational joint Task Force (MNJTF), an international force of soldiers from Nigeria, Niger, and Chad that was formed in 1994 to deal with cross-border security issues and more recently, combating the Boko-Haram insurgency. The attack on the town began on 3 January when a large number of the Boko Haram militants captured the town of Baga and overran the MNJTF headquarters and army base in town.